All posts filed under ‘Allgemein

Fous de toi

Summer concert in Boxberg on June 10, 2017 Tobias Schmücking edited a video for my song “Fous De Toi”. He also filmed the concert , where I played the song. „Fous De Toi“ was written in 1988 for my then girlfriend Ila Stuckenberg. Jule Bedorf , my sister, who spoke French a little better than […]

Sheikha Latifa

Sheikha Latifasong # dance # videobywe should all be feminists In 2018, Princess Latifa Al Maktum escaped from Dubai.She was forcibly returned from international waters. Funded by GEMA in the frame of Neustart Kultur 2022

OSTEINGANG Oliver Bedorf & Julia Horn: OSTEINGANGTheaterperformance mit Archiv 26.11.2021, 20.00 Uhr27.11.2021, 20.00 Uhr28.11.2021, 18.00 Uhr Ort: Alte Feuerwache Köln (Halle), Melchiorstraße 3, 50670 KölnTickets:, 16 / 10 € Der Osteingang des E.v.B.-Gymnasiums in Wipperfürth/ NRW war Pausenraum und Rückzugsort gleichermaßen. Dort wurde während der Achtziger Jahre in jeder Pause schnell eine Zigarette geraucht, bevor es […]

Installation in Lutherturm Cologne from 03.03.21 – 06.03.21 as part of SOIRÉE SONIQUE with texts from the performance WASCHEN SCHNEIDEN HÖREN by Oliver Bedorf and Philine Herrlein. WASCHEN SCHNEIDEN HÖREN was funded in 2019 by Musikfonds e.V. and Kulturamt Köln.